Diabetes Care

Topic: Are you eating the right low glycemic index food?

Are you eating the right low glycemic index food?

The glycemic index (GI) indicates the effects of carbohydrates on blood glucose after a meal. As a rule, food that have a GI value ≤55 are classified as low GI. Food with a GI value ≥ 70 are classified as high GI. Food with a GI value between 56 and 69 are considered Medium GI food. Low GI food does not only provide a sense of fullness but also has a smaller blood glucose increase scope, which can help stabilize blood glucose after a meal. Here, the author has provided food in various GI categories to help you choose food conveniently and stabilize blood glucose after a meal. The author also reminds diabetes patients that although choosing healthy food and low GI food can help stabilize blood glucose, diabetes management is still the best way to control blood glucose.

Source: American Diabetes Association

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